Faros 1.4

A software that detects and monitors 18 NCDXF beacons
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Automatic NCDXF beacon monitor for Radio Amateurs,
SWL'ers and HF communication engineers
- continuously monitors 18 NCDXF beacons on five bands;
automatically detects the presence of the beacon signals, even in QRM and noise;
- measures the signal-to-noise ratio, the QSB index, and the propagation delay of the signal;
- automatically identifies long path openings based on the signal delay;
System Requirements:
- Operating system: Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows 7;
- CPU speed: 1 GHz or higher is recommended;
- Ports: one COM port for radio control (optional);
- Connection to the Internet: direct (no proxies), 1 MBit/s or faster is recommended. Satellite connections cannot be used because of the propagation delay;
- Receiver: any CW or SSB receiver that covers at least one of the beacon bands (14, 18, 21, 24, 28 MHz), preferably a model that is supported by the OmniRig engine;
- Antenna: an omni-directional antenna is recommended;
- Sound card: the on-board one is OK;
- Cables: two cables are required for connecting the radio to the PC, a standard stereo cable for the audio signal and a CAT cable/adapter for radio control.



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